More normality

Today, after a morning chasing around the operation area without effect, I offered to help Cia with her covops training.

The thing she didn't yet have was confidence running through gates, so I sat on one side with my interceptor, and she'd jump through and try to get away. Then repeat. The closest I got was on the first run, when I got a lock but the Warp disruptor didn't activate in time to stop her. Every other time I failed to get lock before she was gone.

At the end of it she was much more confident I think. It's a training style I've had before, and it worked for me. At the end of it, you know in a way that just theoretical lessons can't teach.

It was slightly odd, talking her through it, and praising her reactions. It's like I'm standing outside watching myself be professional, and I'm surprised at how good a job I'm doing.

Back into the operations area for a few hours, with still no more result. The Mary Militia seems to be staying away from our area of operations. I have to go 8 or 10 jumps to find any sign of them. Arkady is very happy with the results though. We've halved the number of contested Matari systems in only a few days by providing the Matari militia with support.

I returned to Lustrevik for an Agent Mission Op that Cia was running. I finally got to take the Charybdis out into danger, and with support it was a fine ship. The 1400s mean that frigates are practically impossible to hit, but Cia in her Dominix was chewing through them. We had 4 Maelstroms including the Charybdis, Cia's Dominix, Silver in a Raven, and for a little while, Matariki in a Raven as well. More pilots came and went. Jobs which would have taken an hour on my own were finished in less than 10 minutes. And the pilots chatting together was good. I think it's a good way to help build up esprit de corps in Electus Matari. I'm rather pleased at how it went.

I sent mail to Sarakai asking if she's Ok. I haven't heard from her since the trip to Paiho, so I wasn't sure. I've suggested we catch up sometime, and after some negotiation, we're doing dinner on Wednesday. I hope that works out.

I'm again finding myself watching my actions as if looking on from outside, only this time with Sarakai.

What does that mean?

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