Being normal?

Well, the campaign has started to help out the Militia. The corp we war-decced has dropped out of the Mary militia to engage us in highsec - that's a victory right there, since it means they're not engaging our militia.

As of now, I have the only kill of the campaign in our defined fighting area. A Pirate, autopiloting their Pod. It took me five seconds to check my sensors weren't playing up, and that they were a valid target. Then they popped.

No losses so far, and I'm beginning to think I was a bit enthusiastic about getting ships into the Forward Operating Base.

Cia was running a trip to the ship construction yards in lowsec. I thought it would be a relatively safe place to meet again. In front of other people. A limit on the intensity perhaps.

Of course, I arrived early and ran into Cia on her own.

It was Ok.

We talked about ships for a bit until Silver arrived. Silver told us he'd named his new Carrier - his second - it's now the "Awakening Ideal" which is a nice name on several levels. I like it. Silver has some poety in his soul that doesn't get revealed very often, but sneaks out in his ship names.

Other people showed up, including Matariki and CJ, and a couple of new people I hadn't met before except on comms. We talked ship fits for a while, and I gave Cia a couple of suggestions that might improve her ships' tanks. It was relaxing in a way, talking about something technical, not anything to do with feelings.

There was some gentle ribbing from Matariki over the tabloid article about me and Silver, but it passed quickly.

Matariki's Jonny has announced his candidacy for Federation President, which is a bit of a surprise. I suggested she get some security, as did CJ and others. The Press can be quite intrusive, and I'm not sure they're going to treat her well.

I think it went Ok. I didn't feel in pain. It was nice to talk to Cia.

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