What women want?

Ran into Amieta today. She hasn't been avoiding me, just working hard. Someone got murdered on her ship, and she hasn't figured out who did it yet.

Amieta asked me about life, and I told her. She talked about Cia, and complications, and something she said made me realise. The reason Sarrapis was probably interested in me was that I was smitten by Cia, and not overwhelming Sarrapis with attention. Now that I'm single, all my powers of attraction have obviously faded.

Amieta introduced me to her Chief Tactical Officer, Sarakai Voutelen. Between them they seemed to have a conversation with eyebrows and head movements while including me in a verbal conversation at the same time. I've figured out that there's stuff going on, but I don't know what it is.

Sara seems nice, even if she is a security officer for a job. She doesn't have any family. People shouldn't be alone all the time, so I've invited her to give me a call if she wanted company some time. She's a Sniper by training I think, and has difficulty finding somewhere to practice. Maybe she'd appreciate a trip to Atamahara.

Amieta hasn't seen Cia since the night we broke up either. So she doesn't know how Cia's doing.

Amieta introduced me to another friend of hers - Jack, who has an outrageous accent, and calls Silver "Fred". He's currently working as a salvage pilot in the local area. Silver put him on to Cia I think.

Jack's lost count of the women he's been married to or the number of children he has. Some of them he was married to as a joke when he was drunk. I don't understand. He doesn't take marriage seriously, like it doesn't mean anything to him.

So why does it seem to work?

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