I'm so happy for you, I could cry

Did an anti-pirate patrol with Gottii and Challis. Managed to get a pirate Taranis into half armour before he jumped and ran away. The rest of lowsec was pretty empty, except for a Thanatos, which we weren't going to tangle with. I like flying with Gottii, and three Vagabonds all temporarily flying with the same name was sort of funny.

Afterwards, Gottii and I met at the Shackled Amarr. Cia was there too, and K'han.

It was pretty obvious Gottii and Cia were " together"; at least for the moment. Cia is looking happy. I asked if Gottii was the reason and she said yes, she supposed it was.

Ah, Gottii. I think he's a nice guy and I have no right to be sad about it; and I can't really be angry. They both looked happy. I hope it works out.

After a few minutes, they started whispering in each others ears and looking so happy; joyous.

I mean, I can try to be happy for them, but I'm not sure I can watch at the moment. I had to leave.

Is that so unreasonable?

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