For today, I remember your smile

Today I'm older. Officially. More responsible perhaps? Last night I took Carinelle out to dinner. It went well. Really well.

She is interesting to talk to; She asks interesting questions; she answers my questions in interesting ways; and she looked really nice in her dress.

Whenever I started to get nervous, she had just the right way of reassuring me; yet it wasn't all one way. We're supporting each other. She's had a lot of stress recently, and I think I help with that.

The food was great. The atmosphere very cosy. The conversation was at times light and at other times serious. Important. It feels like we are getting to know each other at different levels; both surface and deeper.

I told her about Paiho. About my Clan, about growing up. She might be interested in visiting Paiho sometime, although she's a bit wary of the Aunties.

She told me about life as a station brat, about moving around all the time and not making many friends.

She has become harder since she became a pilot. I've become softer. We are not so different now.

I invited her back to my place. Offered her a place to stay just as a friend, or as a see what happens sort of thing. She smiled and chose the latter option.

I took her home. Wasn't really sure what to do next, so I put some music on; opened some champagne. She asked me to dance. It was sweet. Sexy. Right.

Then she asked me to carry her upstairs...

Afterward, she poked at my tattoos, and asked about their meanings. We talked about the wolf-jaw mark, and wondered what voluval mark she might get if she did it.

We talked about tomorrow. About how if it went well, we might try again the day after, and if that worked, the day after...

We fell asleep tangled in each others arms, and woke up the same way. My heart feels lightened somehow by that. I know that she's not mine. That this won't last longer than it is fun for both of us. But it is fun for both of us. At least for today.

And for today, that's enough.

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