
It was a long day. I got into the bazaar after visiting the museum, and ran into KJ, Amieta, Cia and Camille. There was some excitement with some Amarrian buying some slaver hounds, and then having one shot dead in the corridor, and then everyone else started wandering away.

I did get the chance to ask Amieta what the deal was about her and Sarakai. I had inferred from Sara's hints that Amieta was pushing her into spending more time with me, but Amieta said that she was just pushing Sara into spending more time off duty, and if she chose to spend that time with me, that was up to her; but that it was good she was getting out more.

Then I got to spend time talking with Killjoy. It was good. He looks like recently he's been a bit stressed. I volunteered to help out more, and he said taking recruitment off his hands was a big help, and anything after that was gravy. The big issue at the moment is industry. That's really not my field. KJs also feeling twitchy about the whole corp thing. Whether he's doing the right thing with Eva gone. Whether she's going to come back and tell him he did the wrong thing. I tried to tell him that she should be happy that he kept it going, and couldn't complain if it wasn't exactly the way she'd planned if she didn't tell anyone the plan.

We went drinking, and hung out and chatted. Talked corp history, and guns. How much stress was involved in being a director.

I told him what I knew of Cia's history. His reaction was to want to kill Cia's father too. I told him Amieta said she'd taken care of it, and we started talking about Amieta. I warned him that she said she doesn't like them skinny or too pretty. He laughed and said he wasn't planning on getting to know her quite that way.

Then we finished our drinks and headed for the exit, and just as KJ left, Matariki came in. She was planning on meeting Elsebeth in the bazaar, so I stayed to talk to her until Elsebeth showed up. I talked about the visit to the Museum with Carinelle. Mata talked about the exhibits there, and how she thought that it was a shame that so many of them were related to our people's history as slaves. Like we couldn't discuss the mother of the clan without mentioning she was a slave. I think Mata's a bit twitchy about something. Then Elsebeth arrived, and I made an excuse and walked off into the bazaar to leave them a chance to talk in private.

And I ran into Ciarente. She was shopping for books. Books for Camille that she thought would teach her morals, or set good examples. She's in a new jump clone because her doctor said the other clone was sick. Cia let slip that they expect this clone to get sick too.

I asked about the physical security on her pod or something, anything to explain how different clones could get ill in the same way. Helmi seemed to think I was impugning Cia's security team, but I didn't really want to consider the alternative.

What kind of thing can cross the jump clone barrier? I can only think of genetic things. They might not be curable.

Ciarente told me not to worry. Begged me not to worry. She said she's got Camille and Ami to worry about already and she can't be worrying about me as well. So I promised I wouldn't worry too much.

I was surprised. I mean, I thought we were almost back to being friends, but she says something like that. It makes me wonder if there's still hope. And then I crush it. It won't work.

But I still care.

We talked about role models, and she talked like she was trying to find ways to influence Camille's life if she dies soon. I reminded her that it looked like Cami wanted to grow up like Amieta, and that there are worse examples out there that she could choose. That's when Cia told me she wanted a lawyer. To make arrangements so that if Cia dies, Amieta could raise Camille without a legal challenge. Cia's estate would be quite a lot of isk, and without a solid legal basis, it could be challenged.

She's talking like that's likely. The death, and the legal challenge.

I hope she's wrong.

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