War and illness

EM declared war on the Privateers. Then their friends, DEMON, war-decced us. That was fairly ignorable for a few days, and then they attacked one of our moon towers. We fought back, but didn't really do any damage. They gave up after incapacitating all the guns.

The surprising thing was that Eva is back. She's been sick for so long that I was wondering if she'd ever be back on duty, and now she's back in time to help respond to the attack. We were running around setting things up, getting reppers, sorting out responses. Somewhere in the middle of it all she made me a Director of the corporation. That was a bit of a surprise, but on reflection I'm quite pleased. Of course, she didn't tell me, I just started getting new and interesting mail messages, and had a lot more access.

DEMON came back the next day. I came on shift to discover that there'd been fighting, and we'd managed to destroy one of their battleships, although we'd lost one undocking from the station to try to defend the moon tower. So it was back to repping modules and putting more guns online.

And they came back the next day as well. By now, we'd hired some pos gunners, and heavily fortified the tower. But they seemed to draw the lesson from the day before that they should instead camp the station.

KJ did a fantastic job baiting a dozen battleships in his Vagabond, shooting their drones and keeping them interested. He wasn't really going to be able to destroy one, but he could make them frustrated. Captain Sparre organised a reception fleet for them. He asked us to get some battleships ready to undock into the station camp.

Evanda, KJ and I undocked in RR Battleships into a group of about 12 enemy battleships and a vagabond. We started shooting, and Captain Sparre jumped in the rescue squad. Matariki was flying an ECM cruiser for the first time, and was helping keep us alive. Things were looking a bit hairy for a minute, and then the tide turned. We got 3 battleship kills, and a vagabond kill for no losses. Our pos gunners were a little sad they didn't get to help, but the enemy all docked up and refused to come out.

The thing that pleases me the most is not that we won that battle, but that the corporation came together. Re-Awakened earned its name, and we woke up. Everyone helped. Even if it was only moving stuff around, repairing the POS guns, scouting the surrounding systems. Even volunteering to learn how to use the tower guns. It's been refreshing. Invigorating.

Even Cia was out there, getting involved, and helping repair guns, despite her being still sick.

I got mail from Nerila. Two of the samples I brought back, Therese and Luc, have the same genetic markers that Nerila thinks are causing the problem for Cia. Luckily there's still one sample that Nerila can culture for a potential donation.

Camille has the markers too.

Should I tell Cia? Therese and Luc could die of the same thing. So could Camille. But while we don't have a cure, is there any point?

I once before found something out that I thought was important for Cia to know. When I told her, I hurt her. I broke us. We're just back to the stage where I think we're comfortable together. Friends. I don't want to screw that up again.

I'll tell Amieta. I'm pretty sure that she's working on the same problem. If she tells Cia, Cia's probably not going to drive her away.

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