Can I leave behind my naïvity of youth?

War. Meh. It's not a good war. It's pretty dull. The enemy have no assets to attack, and have hired sufficient neutral scouts that they know the status of all the systems around. They don't undock without local superiority, and they dock up quickly if their scouts detect any coordinated response to their undocking. They keep picking off people in ones and twos. We're being stupid, but I guess that our pilots are learning. We've had fewer stupid losses in week two.

Carinelle's been hiding from people again. I think she's still trying to fit in after a couple of months away. Gradient has been hiring new pilots and she might be feeling like she doesn't know everyone again. I'm going to try to get her out socialising again.

Elsebeth got podded. She's been looking a little morose recently. I've tried again to convince her to go to Matar and spend time with her husband. Gradient could survive a couple of weeks without her, and I think she could use a little joy in her life. Perhaps everyone could.

I've felt like I've had to exercise a little authority recently. Asking people to behave; Telling people to pull their heads in; Threatening to have them removed from the alliance.

I don't like it.

But there are things I won't allow to happen to this alliance without trying to stop them.